Tuesday, 19 May 2015

My biggest pet peeve

Helloooooooo! Not sure why there are quite so many 'o's there. But anyway.

So, believe it or not, I am actually quite a cynical person - as much as I try to be positive about everything, and usually it works out. Except, it seems, when I'm at school. I just seem to get super frustrated with absolutely everything and everyone. Like, all the time. 

And one of my biggest pet peeves is people walking slowly in the corridors.

It's the stupidest thing, in all honesty. But I just get SO ANNOYED when I'm stuck behind someone who is being a tortoise, or worse, a group of people who take up the entire width of the corridor and then decide to amble along, chatting away and completely ignoring everything around them. And I'm just behind them like:

Would you be so kind as to MOVE OUT OF THE WAY?

But, of course, I am far too awkward to ever say anything so I just have to try and squeeze past them if I can find a space - usually resulting in me getting squashed against a wall/tripping over something/walking from side to side looking like an idiot. 

Which is just wonderful.

But wait, it gets worse. Then the people decide to just stop. Just stop, right in the middle of the corridor, chatting away or on their phones and completely oblivious to the fact that they are blocking THE ENTIRE CORRIDOR. Just why? And again, I have to try and squeeze past them somehow, again, resulting in me getting squashed and looking like an idiot.

I always make sure to 'accidentally' bump into them as I pass though.


Anyway there you have it. So if you ever want to annoy me just walk really slowly in front of me in a narrow corridor! (Please don't.) I don't know why I get so annoyed by this, it's actually really bad haha! But I can't help it, it's just so frustrating!

Do you have any major pet peeves? Do you also get annoyed with people walking slowly in the corridor? Let me know in the comments!

Oh, and would you like to hear about more of my pet peeves? Because I have quite a few...

Maybe not such a good idea.

But yeah, bye!

P.S. Sorry about the pointless rant, I just had to get it off my chest haha!

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Book of the month | April

Yes, it's that time of the month (no not that time) for me to share my favourite book for April! I realise I missed out March, but I was so busy that I just didn't really have the chance. But better late than never, right?

Anyway, let's get on with it. So for April the book I recommend reading is... (drumroll please)

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce.

Now, I have read this book multiple times and I am absolutely in love with it. It is a book about werewolves, which I know is rather a cliche, overused and generally abused (especially in fanfiction) topic, but this book is different because it is extremely cleverly done. (Also the girl doesn't fall in love with the werewolf). Obviously I won't give anything away, but there are lots of clues and hints to the sort of climax of the book which I really picked up on when I read it the second, third and fourth (etc.) time, which made me want to squeal when I could see the link to the future event. In fact, the book has many of these 'squeal' moments: as in, a huge plot twist or a sudden realisation when everything clicks into place and makes perfect sense - I think that these are what really makes a book great, and if that is so then this book is flipping amazing. 

Another thing I love about Sisters Red is that even though there are only really three major characters: the two sisters, Scarlett and Rosie, and their friend Silas, there is never a dull moment and the intricate plot means that there doesn't need to be a huge amount of characters - instead the focus is on the individual development of these three people. The point of view switches between the two sisters every chapter, which I really like because it means you can see an event in one person's perspective that the other person is not a part of, giving you a broader look on the plot, and you can also see the same event from two different perspectives, which is always interesting. Scarlett and Rosie have a very strong relationship and I love how you can see how certain events make them react to one another in different ways in each of their perspectives, because really they are very different people. But I'm not going to go to deep into it because I don't want to spoil it if you do end up reading the book!

In addition, the author Jackson Pearce is awesome in my opinion, and has written loads of other young adult books which I have not yet read, but they are somewhere on my long list of books to read because they all look just as great as Sisters Red was!

Overall, the book is extremely cleverly done and I just love that Jackson Pearce was able to take a well-known and sometimes cliche topic and make it her own, and make it smart. Honestly this is one of my all-time favourite books and I actually want to read it again as I'm writing about it now!

Please do let me know if you have read or decide to read this book after reading this, and also feel free to suggest any other book you would recommend in the comments!

And that's all from me. Megan out. 

Friday, 1 May 2015

Problems with being a writer

Hello! So, you may or may not know but I adore writing - but of course, writing comes with a curse. There are some things that you just can’t get out of, and if you are a writer, or any sort of creative person actually, you will probably relate to some of these. 

Or maybe you won’t relate at all because I’m just strange.

Well, let’s find out!

1. You get amazing ideas at extremely inconvenient times

I’m sure this has happened to us all. There you are, lying in bed on the verge of sleep, when pop! a new story idea comes into your mind, and you know that it could be fantastic. But you’re all snuggled up under your duvet in the dark, and the mere thought of getting up and writing this idea down makes you retreat further into your cocoon. You tell yourself it’s fine, this idea is so great that you’re sure you’ll remember it in the morning.

But of course, you don’t.

Or worse, you’re writing a maths exam, you’re mind begins to wander - because let’s face it, no one wants to think about maths for a long period of time - and before you know it you have a whole book, characters, plot and all, planned out in your head, and you want to start writing it now. But then you are brought back to the harsh reality of the maths exam in front of you, so you focus on that until you can finally leave and by then, of course, everything is forgotten. Just like that.

Or maybe you’re just studying for a test the next day and you suddenly have a great idea for a blogpost, so you switch on your computer and start writing in the spur of the moment, and before you know it there’s no time left to study and you fail the test the next day. 

Which, coincidentally, is what is going to happen to me tomorrow.

Oh dear.

2. Your fingers don’t move fast enough for your mind

Sometimes you’re ideas for what you’re writing are just so darn great that you fingers literally can’t type out all the words at the rate your mind is rushing ahead. There you are, writing about that girl meeting that guy - let’s just say - but in your head you’re thinking about what they’re going to say to each other the next day when they meet again. 

Of course, you don’t want to forget that because you know that it is just so hilariously funny and you are an absolute genius, so you press enter a few times and quickly write that little section out (or perhaps not so quickly) and then you come back to what you were originally writing and you’ve completely forgotten what you were on about.

Yes, this has happened to me multiple times.

3. You’re always thinking of something new to write

Now, this one doesn't sound so bad does it?

Well, it can be. 

You see, as much as you’d love to believe you can, you can’t write six novels at once. I don’t know if this is the same for everyone but I am absolutely terrible at finishing things, and I have so many ideas for stories I want to write but I just can’t write them all. As soon as I get to about six chapters of one, I think of another idea and start planning that like crazy, often mapping out the entire plot of the novel. And very quickly I write out the first few chapters, and then I sort of slow down a bit and then suddenly I have another idea so I put all of my energy into that… and so the cycle continues.

Does this happen to everyone, or is it just me?

I don’t know, but I dream about one day finishing a book. Writing that last sentence that ends it all off, and just thinking I’ve done it.

One day.

Well that’s all for now, I may do a Part 2 thing of this in the future, who knows? But for now I bid thee farewell, so enjoy your day/evening/night and make sure to pop in again soon!

작별 인사

[that’s korean for goodbye, I google translated it]