Friday, 1 May 2015

Problems with being a writer

Hello! So, you may or may not know but I adore writing - but of course, writing comes with a curse. There are some things that you just can’t get out of, and if you are a writer, or any sort of creative person actually, you will probably relate to some of these. 

Or maybe you won’t relate at all because I’m just strange.

Well, let’s find out!

1. You get amazing ideas at extremely inconvenient times

I’m sure this has happened to us all. There you are, lying in bed on the verge of sleep, when pop! a new story idea comes into your mind, and you know that it could be fantastic. But you’re all snuggled up under your duvet in the dark, and the mere thought of getting up and writing this idea down makes you retreat further into your cocoon. You tell yourself it’s fine, this idea is so great that you’re sure you’ll remember it in the morning.

But of course, you don’t.

Or worse, you’re writing a maths exam, you’re mind begins to wander - because let’s face it, no one wants to think about maths for a long period of time - and before you know it you have a whole book, characters, plot and all, planned out in your head, and you want to start writing it now. But then you are brought back to the harsh reality of the maths exam in front of you, so you focus on that until you can finally leave and by then, of course, everything is forgotten. Just like that.

Or maybe you’re just studying for a test the next day and you suddenly have a great idea for a blogpost, so you switch on your computer and start writing in the spur of the moment, and before you know it there’s no time left to study and you fail the test the next day. 

Which, coincidentally, is what is going to happen to me tomorrow.

Oh dear.

2. Your fingers don’t move fast enough for your mind

Sometimes you’re ideas for what you’re writing are just so darn great that you fingers literally can’t type out all the words at the rate your mind is rushing ahead. There you are, writing about that girl meeting that guy - let’s just say - but in your head you’re thinking about what they’re going to say to each other the next day when they meet again. 

Of course, you don’t want to forget that because you know that it is just so hilariously funny and you are an absolute genius, so you press enter a few times and quickly write that little section out (or perhaps not so quickly) and then you come back to what you were originally writing and you’ve completely forgotten what you were on about.

Yes, this has happened to me multiple times.

3. You’re always thinking of something new to write

Now, this one doesn't sound so bad does it?

Well, it can be. 

You see, as much as you’d love to believe you can, you can’t write six novels at once. I don’t know if this is the same for everyone but I am absolutely terrible at finishing things, and I have so many ideas for stories I want to write but I just can’t write them all. As soon as I get to about six chapters of one, I think of another idea and start planning that like crazy, often mapping out the entire plot of the novel. And very quickly I write out the first few chapters, and then I sort of slow down a bit and then suddenly I have another idea so I put all of my energy into that… and so the cycle continues.

Does this happen to everyone, or is it just me?

I don’t know, but I dream about one day finishing a book. Writing that last sentence that ends it all off, and just thinking I’ve done it.

One day.

Well that’s all for now, I may do a Part 2 thing of this in the future, who knows? But for now I bid thee farewell, so enjoy your day/evening/night and make sure to pop in again soon!

작별 인사

[that’s korean for goodbye, I google translated it]


  1. I completely agree with all of these! Writing is amazing but sometimes it comes with stressful problems... Great Post

    - Ellie x

  2. Replies
    1. yay I'm not just going crazy then ;)

  3. I'm not necessarily a writer but I'm a crafter and like compose songs in my spare time and I can totally relate to some of these problems you addressed.
    Great post x

    1. I also love writing music! I guess a lot of them are the same haha... thanks! :)
