Sunday, 22 February 2015

Flowers n Stuff

Ello ello ello. So this blog post may seem a little random, as I'm just going to post some pictures of some flowers for no particular reason. Well, why not?! Haha. Basically, I got a new camera for christmas and have been experimenting with taking photos since then, and I finally worked out how to put the macro focus on a couple of weeks ago (because obviously I didn't read the instructions - who even does that?) and took a load of photos of flowers and plants in my garden to try it out. And I think some of them actually came out pretty well, so I thought I'd just share them here!

Tada! I'm hoping to get into photography a little more this year between school and everything else, so let me know if you have any tips on taking good photos! Also any good editing software/apps, as none of these photos are at all edited. (Preferably something free for now as I'm only a beginner!)

But yeah, that's about all! Hope you have/have had/are having a lovely day :)



  1. Lovely pictures, also love the blog Meg!!

    1. thank you! and may I just add you have an awesome name :D
