Sunday, 12 April 2015


Wow, it's been a while!

One may imagine that over my two week holiday I would have had plenty of time to create loads of wonderful blogposts, but instead here I am on the last day haven written absolutely nada.

See I realised something over these few days of freedom, and that is that I don't want to have to feel obliged to post regularly on my blog. (That sounded confusing haha). I created this blog so I could just write down whatever I felt like, and though I loved blogging so much at the beginning that I just wanted to write a post every single day, I sort of got into the habit of forcing myself to write something just for the sake of updating, and I realise now that I really don't want to be doing that. I want to just post when I feel like posting, so that I can create meaningful content and not just random stuff that doesn't really make any sense.

Long story short, I just thought I'd notify you - and myself, I guess - that my blogposts will probably be much more spaced apart as of now. (Also I have exams coming up in about five weeks so there's that too). I want to put thought into each blogpost, and with all the studying I'll be doing (or pretending to do) I won't have so much time to think, because when I have to study I literally have to force myself to do it as I am such a procrastinator.

Anyway back to the point - blogposts will be spaced out. Well, that's all really. This post seems like a bit of a contradiction as I'm not really saying anything in it except that I want to write blogposts that are meaningful, and this one is clearly not that.

Oh well! And don't worry - though you probably weren't anyway - because there will still be plenty more coming from me, so keep your eyes peeled and watch this space!

As for now, goodbye, and see you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about it, I know exactly what you mean. I always like your blog posts and see that you put a lot of time and effort into them and I think that is important. (Sorry for my babbling on) x
