Friday, 18 December 2015

So. Much. Food. | Blogmas Day 17

This morning I rose late. Again. Every morning I have an alarm that goes off, and every morning, without fail, I turn it off, roll over and go back to sleep. ARGH. 

But anyway, after lunch I finished writing up my presentation that I was supposed to be doing in the evening and finalised my PowerPoint and all that jazz. Zoe also showed me the video she made of her time time in SA and I love it so much! After that we went to the boulangerie (still love that) to buy bread and also some sneaky treats, of which mine was a Nutella eclair which was very yummy. After all was eaten and the coffee was consumed we decided to paint our nails, and usually I'm absolutely rubbish at that, but they actually went so well and I'm very impressed! My toes, however, are a different matter, but let's not go there. 

This evening we went to Zoe's rotary club for the first time, who are the people my exchange is through, and I was supposed to do my presentation but ended up not, and am doing it in January instead. Nonetheless I met all the rotary people and didn't have too much trouble conversing in French with them - I'm definitely getting much better! We then had a MASSIVE meal. Like, huuuuge. It was literally five courses and I was so stuffed afterwards because everything was so good! Also I think it's a French thing, but we ate so late, like we finished eating at 11pm and then only got home at about quarter to 12. I then faffed around a lot before writing this, and I am now going to bed cos we have exciting stuff planned for tomorrow!

See you then. Au revoir!

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