Friday, 1 January 2016

HELLO 2016

Hello from the outsiiiiide okay sorry I can't believe I started my first post of the year like that but I COULDN'T HELP IT I'M SORRY. 

Anyway it's 2016, WHAT? Literally, I swear it was 2012 yesterday. But I'm going to stop talking nonsense and get on to what I actually want to say now because this blogpost is already enough of a train wreck. 

Okay, so new year = new years resolutions, right? I'm so bad at them though and I never actually complete them, which I'm sure is the same for many people. So this year, I decided I'm just going to have one new years resolution, and I'm going to try my best to stick to it. And that resolution is (drumroll please):

Make things happen. 

Okay let me explain a bit. I am an introvert, and I'm quite happy to sit alone in my room all day and read or write or watch Agents of SHIELD or something alone those lines. But nothing is going to happen if I don't take initiative, so I have to actually get up and do things instead of just dreaming about them all the time. This goes for many things such as getting fit, getting good results, making new friends or getting my compositions into the world, which is why I though this one resolution would be a good umbrella for all I hope to achieve this year. 

So there you have it, my New Years resolution for 2016. And apart from that I hope that this year brings you joy and happiness and you make the most of every minute of it. 

See you soon!

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