Wednesday 4 March 2015

A-Z: Things to do when you're bored

Hey guys. I'm bored.

I'm like 300% sure boredom is something all of us have experienced at least once in our lives, and so I'm going to be a lovely person and give you an A-Z of things you can do if are feeling this way, which perhaps you are right now and that is the very reason you are here, who knows? But anyway let's get on with the list, and let me know if you do or have done any of these things!

A: Attempt origami
B: Become an elephant for the day
C: Call your best friend
D: Do a puzzle
E: Eat a banana
F: Fart
G: Go to bed
H: Have some lemonade
I: Irritate your neighbours
J: Jump up and down
K: Keep a diary
L: Lie on the floor
M: Make a paper mache lobster head
N: Neigh like a horse
O: Open a bank account
P: Pretend the floor is lava
Q: Quit your job
R: Re-arrange all of your books
S: Start a blog!
T: Tell someone you love them
U: Underline everything
V: Vlog
W: Watch a movie
X: X-ray your leg
Y: Yell at your sister
Z: Zap yourself into outer space

And that's about it! This was rather random, but what can I say, I'm bored. But now I'm going to go and zap myself into outer space, so I guess I won't be bored anymore.


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