Monday 7 December 2015

France | Blogmas Day 4-7

And I thought this whole posting every day thing was going so well. 

But anyway, guess what? I AM IN FRANCE. And I can't quite believe it to be honest. But so far so good, apart from the fact that I may have overestimated my French-speaking ability as so far I have mainly been saying "quoi?". But let me just start at the beginning, I think that would make more sense. 

So after a few days of frantic last-minute packing the day finally came for me to zip up my suitcase (with difficulty) and head off to the airport - after a final cuddle with my dog, of course. Thankfully my suitcase was still 5 kilos underweight, although I doubt it will be when I return, so all that was left for me to do was say goodbye to my parents and sister, who I will miss very much. But I'll see them all on Boxing Day in Paris, which is extremely exciting! Anyway, where was I. So I got through customs nice and easy and then long story short boarded my flight to Dubai, on which I watched three films: Spy, Fantastic 4 and Mission Impossible 5, and three episodes of Modern Family. Needless to say on my second flight I slept the whole journey, and before I knew it I was arriving in France! Once again I flew through passport control (thank you British passport) and grabbed my heavy suitcase with yet more difficulty, and then I was finally reunited with Zoe! Seeing as we were already in Paris we had a quick coffee by the Eiffel Tower and took some photos, and it was a really nice day - sunny but cold. My favourite. Then we drove to Zoe's town Courcelles sur Seine which is about an hour out of Paris I think. Not entirely sure seeing as I slept the entire journey. But yeah, the town is so cute and pretty as is the house, and I immediately fell in love with it! After a classic lunch of Croque Madame, we went for a walk up a hill to an old castle, where there was a lovely view of the river and the town, made especially more lovely by the golden glow of the setting sun. We also bought some bread at the boulangerie (eeee so French). Sophie and Bobby (Zoe's parents) are very nice and very friendly towards me, even when I get confused with the French! It's only been a day but I already feel at home here. 

And that's all for today. See you tomorrow! (I hope)

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