Monday 21 December 2015

So the Festivities Begin | Blogmas Day 18-20

Hello! Currently writing this on the 20th, although I have no wifi at the moment so not sure when I'll be able to actually post it. I'll get to why I don't have wifi later though, so if you're interested read on I guess!

So, the 18th begin with a morning stroll through the countryside... on horses. Yup, horse riding! Now I haven't been horse riding since I was like 8 I think, and it was a tad scary at first but I think I settled in quite nicely, and we even trotted a bit! My butt had a lot of complaining to do that evening though... The afternoon I FaceTimed the fam again, as they had arrived at my grandparents in England. They also had a chat with Sophie and Bobby, as we're all meeting up in less than a week now! Excitinggg. In the evening Bobby and I watched The Seventh Son but in French, of course, and it was pretty good even though I wasn't really sure what they were saying. 

The 19th was a Saturday, and it began with a long sleep again followed by lunch, after which Zoe and I went for a walk around a nearby lake. I love winter walks so so much and the lake was very pretty because it was so calm and still, and we crossed a bridge over it and snapped some pics, before doing a loop around a field where there were loads of people running with their dogs tied to them! Quite a strange sight! That evening Zoe baked her really cool cake and I attempted to make a malva pudding for the first time, and I'm not sure if it will be alright because we haven't eaten it yet! After that we went to Zoe's friends house for pizza and a movie - bear in mind we left home at 10.30 and therefore only started the movie at about midnight, after eating pizza and making virgin mojitos which were soooo good! The movie we watched was Night at the Museum 3, in French but thankfully with English subtitles!

So this morning, the 20th, it was very difficult to wake up. After quickly packing last night at 3 in the morning we were supposed to leave at 8, which just did not happen. It was about 9.30 by the time the car was packed full and we all bundled in for the 3-4 hour journey to Zoe's grandparents' house, which I spent sleeping surprise surprise. Somehow we arrived right on time at 12.30, at about the same time as the rest of the family which was a loooot of people! After a few glasses of champagne we all settled around the table for lunch, and as we ate the grand giving of all the presents took place. The food was lovely and so are all Zoe's family, and I managed to hold a few conversations in French (mostly just me agreeing and giving one word answers because although I understand quite well now I'm not a great at formulating sentences). We also played that game where you have, in our case, the name of an animal stuck to your head and you have to guess what it is, which was kinda hard because I didn't know what half the animals actually were in French. Nonetheless I managed to formulate questions about my own animal and was actually the first to get it! It was a giraffe, by the way. At about 9 I think we all bundled back in our cars to drive to Sophie's sister's house where we're sleeping, and where I am now. When we arrived soup and yoghurt and, of course, cheese came out, despite it being past 10.30 at night - still can't get over how late they eat here! After the feast everyone trickled off to bed, which is where I am now in a big room in the basement on mattresses on the floor. 

And with that I shall end this incredibly long blogpost, wowza. Guess that's karma for not posting for three days! But yeah, sleep well and I'll be sure to write again tomorrow. 

P.S. We are now playing with a cat in the darkness in bed, because it keeps coming back and playing with Zoe's socks haha. Okay I'm really going now, byeeee. 

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